The Daytrippers
In this engaging indie film, a suburban family embarks on an unexpected road trip to New York City after a wife discovers a mysterious love letter addressed to her husband. The ensemble cast, featuring Hope Davis, Parker Posey, and Liev Schreiber, delivers a mix of humor and drama as the family navigates their way through a series of comedic and poignant encounters. Directed by Greg Mottola, the film explores themes of trust, family dynamics, and self-discovery. While it didn’t receive major awards, it remains a charming exploration of relationships and personal growth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Greg Mottola
Actors: Andy Brown, Anne Meara, Campbell Scott, Hope Davis, Liev Schreiber, Marc Grapey, Marcia Gay Harden, Marcia Haufrecht, Parker Posey, Pat McNamara, Paul Herman, Stanley Tucci, Stephanie Venditto
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Alliance Communications Corporation, Cinépix Film Properties (CFP), Fiasco Photoplays
Worldwide Gross: $2,099,677