The Devil All the Time
Set in the post-World War II era, this film weaves a complex narrative of intersecting lives in rural Ohio and West Virginia, exploring themes of violence, faith, and redemption. The story follows a young man, played by Tom Holland, as he navigates a world filled with sinister characters, including a corrupt sheriff and a pair of serial killers. The ensemble cast also features Robert Pattinson and Bill Skarsgård, adding depth to the film’s dark and atmospheric storytelling. Directed by Antonio Campos, the movie is a gripping adaptation of Donald Ray Pollock’s novel. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Antonio Campos
Actors: Bill Skarsgård, Eliza Scanlen, Haley Bennett, Harry Melling, Jason Clarke, Mia Wasikowska, Riley Keough, Robert Pattinson, Sebastian Stan, Tom Holland
Country: United States of America
Company: Bronx Moving Co., Nine Stories Productions