The Devil Wears Prada
In this 2006 film directed by David Frankel, a young aspiring journalist, played by Anne Hathaway, lands a job as an assistant to the powerful and demanding editor-in-chief of a high fashion magazine, portrayed by Meryl Streep. The narrative explores the challenges and ethical dilemmas she faces in the cutthroat world of fashion, as she navigates her career ambitions and personal life. The film is notable for Streep’s performance, which earned her an Academy Award nomination. It also features Emily Blunt and Stanley Tucci in supporting roles. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: David Frankel
Actors: Adrian Grenier, Anne Hathaway, Daniel Sunjata, David Marshall Grant, Emily Blunt, Meryl Streep, Rich Sommer, Simon Baker, Stanley Tucci, Tracie Thoms
Country: France, United States of America
Company: Dune Entertainment, Fox 2000 Pictures, Major Studio Partners
Worldwide Gross: $326,717,337