The Dinosaur Project
A team of explorers embarks on an expedition to the Congo, aiming to uncover evidence of living dinosaurs. As they delve deeper into the jungle, they encounter unexpected challenges and thrilling discoveries that test their survival skills. The film, directed by Sid Bennett, features a cast including Natasha Loring and Matt Kane. This found-footage adventure offers a unique twist on the classic dinosaur narrative. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 11
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror
Director: Sid Bennett
Actors: Abena Ayivor, Andre Weideman, Matt Kane, Natasha Loring, Peter Brooke, Richard Dillane, Sivu Nobongoza, Stephen Jennings
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Moonlighting Films
Worldwide Gross: $2,412,576