The Divine Fury
In this South Korean action-horror film, a martial arts champion finds himself embroiled in a battle against dark forces after discovering mysterious wounds on his hands. As he seeks answers, he teams up with a veteran exorcist to confront a powerful evil threatening humanity. The film stars Park Seo-joon and Ahn Sung-ki, delivering compelling performances that drive the intense narrative. Directed by Joo-hwan Kim, the movie combines elements of horror, action, and drama, creating a unique cinematic experience. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 3
Genre: Action, Adventure, Horror, Thriller
Director: Joo-hwan Kim
Actors: Ahn Sung-ki, Choi Woo-shik, Jung Ji-hoon, Kim See-eun, Kim Seon-min, Kim Si-eun, Lee Seung-hee, Park Ji-hyun, Park Seo-jun, Sim Hee-seop, Sung-ki Ahn, Woo Do-Hwan
Country: South Korea
Company: keyeast, Studio 706
Worldwide Gross: $11,799,556