The Football Factory
In this gritty exploration of football hooliganism, the film follows Tommy Johnson, played by Danny Dyer, as he navigates the violent subculture surrounding his favorite football team. The narrative delves into the lives of those entrenched in this world, highlighting the camaraderie and chaos that define their existence. Directed by Nick Love, the movie offers a raw and unflinching look at the motivations and consequences of such a lifestyle. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it remains a notable entry in the genre for its authentic portrayal of British working-class life. For those interested, the film can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Nick Love
Actors: Calum MacNab, Danny Dyer, Dudley Sutton, Frank Harper, Jamie Foreman, John Junkin, Neil Maskell, Roland Manookian, Tamer Hassan, Tony Denham
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Rockstar Films, Vertigo Films
Worldwide Gross: $1,228,003