The Freshman
In this 1990 comedy, a young film student named Clark Kellogg, played by Matthew Broderick, finds himself entangled in a bizarre and dangerous world after moving to New York City. He becomes involved with a charismatic yet mysterious figure, Carmine Sabatini, portrayed by Marlon Brando, who bears a striking resemblance to a certain iconic character from Brando’s past roles. As Clark navigates this new world, he encounters a series of comedic and thrilling situations. Directed by Andrew Bergman, the film cleverly plays with themes of identity and homage to classic cinema. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Andrew Bergman
Actors: Bruno Kirby, Frank Whaley, Jefferson Mappin, Jon Polito, Kenneth Welsh, Marlon Brando, Matthew Broderick, Maximilian Schell, Penelope Ann Miller, Richard Gant
Country: United States of America
Company: TriStar Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $21,460,601