The Frighteners
In this supernatural comedy-thriller, Michael J. Fox stars as Frank Bannister, a psychic investigator who uses his ability to communicate with ghosts to con people into exorcisms. However, when a malevolent spirit begins causing a series of mysterious deaths, Frank must confront his own past and team up with both the living and the dead to stop the sinister force. Directed by Peter Jackson, the film blends humor and horror with groundbreaking special effects for its time. While it didn’t receive major awards, it has gained a cult following over the years. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Horror
Director: Peter Jackson
Actors: Chi McBride, Dee Wallace, Jake Busey, Jeffrey Combs, Jim Fyfe, John Astin, Michael J. Fox, Peter Dobson, Trini Alvarado, Troy Evans
Country: New Zealand, United States of America
Company: Universal Pictures, WingNut Films
Worldwide Gross: $29,359,216