The Fury of a Patient Man
In this intense Spanish thriller, the story unfolds around a quiet and unassuming man named José, who harbors a deep-seated desire for revenge following a traumatic event. The film, directed by Raúl Arévalo, masterfully builds tension as it explores themes of patience and vengeance. Antonio de la Torre delivers a compelling performance as the lead character, drawing viewers into his complex emotional journey. The film was well-received, earning the Goya Award for Best Film, among other accolades. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Raúl Arévalo
Actors: Alicia Rubio, Antonio de la Torre, Font García, Gaizka Ardanaz, Luis Callejo, Luna Martín, Manolo Solo, Pilar Gómez, Raúl Jiménez, Ruth Díaz
Country: Spain
Company: Agosto la Película, Canica Films, La
Worldwide Gross: $2,341,847