The Gentleman Driver
“The Gentleman Driver” is a documentary that explores the lives of four elite businessmen who pursue their passion for racing as a side venture. This film introduces audiences to the little-known world of gentlemen drivers, a concept unfamiliar to many outside the racing community. Unlike the exclusivity of participating in events like the Super Bowl or World Cup, individuals can indeed buy their way into competing in prestigious races such as the 24 Hours of Le Mans. Within the racing circuit, these gentlemen drivers often confront negative stereotypes, yet they defy these perceptions through their commitment, enthusiasm, and talent. Remarkably, success seems to accompany these individuals in their endeavors.
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Genre: Documentary
Director: Mario Mattei
Actors: Ed Brown, John Hindhaugh, Michael Guasch, Paul Dalla Lana, Ricardo Gonzalez
Country: United States of America
Company: Speed Group, Velvet Cartel