The Giant Mechanical Man
In this charming romantic comedy, the story follows Janice, a woman struggling to find her place in the world, and Tim, a street performer known for his giant mechanical man act. As their paths cross, they discover a shared sense of alienation and a unique connection that helps them navigate their personal challenges. The film stars Jenna Fischer and Chris Messina, whose performances bring depth to their characters’ journey of self-discovery and love. Directed by Lee Kirk, the movie offers a heartfelt exploration of finding meaning in unexpected places. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Lee Kirk
Actors: Bob Odenkirk, Chris Messina, Ella Anderson, Jenna Fischer, Joshua Amir, Lucy Punch, Malin Åkerman, Rachel Avery, Rich Sommer, Topher Grace
Country: United States of America
Company: ITS Capital, Taggart Productions, Votiv Films
Worldwide Gross: $7,396