The Godfather
Set in the world of organized crime, this iconic film follows the powerful Italian-American crime family of Don Vito Corleone, portrayed by Marlon Brando. As the patriarch navigates the challenges of maintaining his empire, his youngest son, Michael, played by Al Pacino, becomes increasingly involved in the family’s affairs. The film, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, is renowned for its compelling narrative and complex characters. It won several Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and is celebrated for its influence on the crime genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 73
Genre: Crime, Drama, Most Rewatchable, Oscar Winners, Top 100 Popular Movies, Top250Movies
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Actors: Abe Vigoda, Al Lettieri, Al Martino, Al Pacino, Alex Rocco, Angelo Infanti, Carmine Coppola, Conrad Yama, Corrado Gaipa, Diane Keaton, Don Costello, Filomena Spagnuolo, Franco Citti, Frank Sivero, Gabriele Torrei, Gianni Russo, Gray Frederickson, James Caan, Joe Lo Grippo, Joe Spinell, John Cazale, John Marley, John Martino, Joseph Medaglia, Julie Gregg, Lenny Montana, Lou Martini Jr., Louis Guss, Marlon Brando, Max Brandt, Morgana King, Nick Vallelonga, Randy Jurgensen, Raymond Martino, Richard Bright, Richard Conte, Richard S. Castellano, Rick Petrucelli, Robert Dahdah, Robert Duvall, Roman Coppola, Ron Gilbert, Rudy Bond, Sal Richards, Salvatore Corsitto, Saro Urzì, Simonetta Stefanelli, Sofia Coppola, Sonny Grosso, Sterling Hayden, Talia Shire, Tere Livrano, Tom Rosqui, Tony Giorgio, Tony King, Tony Lip, Victor Rendina, Vito Scotti
Country: United States of America
Company: Albert S. Ruddy Productions, Alfran Productions, Bluebush Productions, Paramount Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $250,342,198