The Greenhouse
“The Greenhouse” is a magical realism drama focusing on Beth, the eldest daughter of a same-sex couple, who stumbles upon a gateway to the past on their family estate. As her widowed mother Ruth approaches her sixtieth birthday and her troubled siblings Drew, Doonie, and Raf return home, Beth is engulfed by memories of their perfect childhood, reliving pivotal moments from her youth. Despite Ruth’s cautions and increasing tensions among the siblings, Beth becomes reliant on the greenhouse, eventually understanding that it is not the utopia she once thought it was.
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Director: Thomas Wilson-White
Actors: Camilla Ah Kin, Grace Victoria, Harriet Gordon-Anderson, Jane Watt, Joel Horwood, Kirsty Marillier, Lincoln Vickery, Rhondda Findleton, Shiv Palekar
Country: Australia
Company: Everyone We Know, Media Finance Capital