The Grudge 2
In this chilling sequel directed by Takashi Shimizu, the story unfolds across multiple timelines and locations, delving deeper into the origins of a malevolent curse that haunts anyone who encounters it. The narrative follows several characters, including Aubrey Davis, played by Amber Tamblyn, as they grapple with the terrifying consequences of the curse. The film’s eerie atmosphere and intricate plot weave together to create a suspenseful horror experience. Notably, the movie features Sarah Michelle Gellar reprising her role from the first installment. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Director: Takashi Shimizu
Actors: Amber Tamblyn, Arielle Kebbel, Christopher Cousins, Edison Chen, Jennifer Beals, Matthew Knight, Misako Uno, Ohga Tanaka, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Sarah Roemer, Takako Fuji, Teresa Palmer
Country: Japan, United States of America
Company: Columbia Pictures, Ghost House Pictures, Mandate Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $70,711,175