The Hamiltons
The film follows the lives of the Hamilton family, who appear to be a typical American family but harbor a dark and sinister secret. As the story unfolds, the youngest sibling, Francis, begins to question the family’s lifestyle and the mysterious activities that occur in their home. The movie stars Cory Knauf and Samuel Child, and it is directed by Mitchell Altieri. This chilling tale of family and horror can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director: Mitchell Altieri, Phil Flores
Actors: Al Liner, Brittany Daniel, Cory Knauf, Jena Hunt, Joseph McKelheer, Larry Laverty, Mackenzie Firgens, Nicholas Fanella, Rebekah Hoyle, Samuel Child
Country: United States of America
Company: Industrial City Films, San Francisco Independent Cinema
Worldwide Gross: $321,875