The Haunting of Alice D
In the late 1890s, the Davenport House gained notoriety as a thriving brothel until a tragic event occurred when a young sex worker named Alice took her own life there. Following her death, the establishment was said to be haunted by Alice’s spirit, leading to its eventual abandonment. Over a hundred years later, the building is transformed into a stunning mansion. Rumors persist that Alice’s ghost still lingers within its walls. Nevertheless, the new proprietor, a wealthy and conceited heir to the Davenport legacy, chooses to host an extravagant party on his first night residing in the house.
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Director: Jessica Sonneborn
Actors: Aaron Massey, Allen Sarven, Eliza Swenson, Jessica Sonneborn, Juan Riedinger, Julianne Tura, Kane Hodder, Kristina Page, Megan Hensley, Michael Reed
Country: United States of America
Company: Two Chick Pix