The Hedgehog
Set in a luxurious Parisian apartment building, this film weaves together the lives of three distinct characters: a precocious 11-year-old girl named Paloma, a reclusive concierge named Renée, and a cultured Japanese gentleman named Kakuro Ozu. As Paloma plans to end her life on her 12th birthday, she discovers unexpected friendships and insights that challenge her worldview. The film, directed by Mona Achache, is based on the best-selling novel “The Elegance of the Hedgehog” by Muriel Barbery. Starring Josiane Balasko and Garance Le Guillermic, it offers a poignant exploration of life’s hidden beauty and the connections that can transform us. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Mona Achache
Actors: Anne Brochet, Ariane Ascaride, Garance Le Guillermic, Gisèle Casadesus, Jean-Luc Porraz, Josiane Balasko, Mona Heftre, Sarah Le Picard, Togo Igawa, Wladimir Yordanoff
Company: Eagle Pictures, France 2 Cinéma, Les Films des Tournelles
Worldwide Gross: $14,695,775