The Hole
In this psychological thriller directed by Nick Hamm, a group of British private school students, including Thora Birch and Keira Knightley, decide to explore an abandoned underground bunker. What begins as a thrilling adventure quickly spirals into a tense and claustrophobic ordeal as they find themselves trapped with no way out. The film delves into themes of trust, fear, and the darker aspects of human nature. While it did not receive any major awards, it is notable for its intense atmosphere and strong performances. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Nick Hamm
Actors: Daniel Brocklebank, Desmond Harrington, Embeth Davidtz, Emma Griffiths Malin, Jemma Powell, Keira Knightley, Kelly Hunter, Laurence Fox, Steven Waddington, Thora Birch
Country: Canada, France, United Kingdom
Company: Canal+, Cowboy Films, Granada Film Productions
Worldwide Gross: $7,819,851