The Hollars
In this heartfelt comedy-drama, John Krasinski stars as John Hollar, a struggling New York City artist who returns to his small hometown upon learning of his mother’s illness. The film explores the complexities of family dynamics as John reconnects with his quirky relatives and confronts his past. Alongside Krasinski, the movie features a talented ensemble cast, including Anna Kendrick, Margo Martindale, and Richard Jenkins. Directed by Krasinski himself, the film delves into themes of love, responsibility, and personal growth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: John Krasinski
Actors: Anna Kendrick, Charlie Day, John Krasinski, Josh Groban, Margo Martindale, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Mary Kay Place, Randall Park, Richard Jenkins, Sharlto Copley
Country: United States of America
Company: Fancy Film Post Services, Groundswell Productions, Sycamore Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $1,138,609