The Hollow Child
In this chilling horror film directed by Jeremy Lutter, a troubled teenager named Samantha struggles with her foster family dynamics when her younger sister, Olivia, mysteriously disappears in the woods. Upon Olivia’s return, Samantha senses something is amiss, as her sister’s behavior becomes increasingly unsettling. The film stars Jessica McLeod and Hannah Cheramy, who deliver compelling performances that heighten the tension and suspense. This atmospheric thriller delves into themes of family, trust, and the supernatural, offering a gripping narrative that keeps viewers on edge. For those interested, the movie can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Jeremy Lutter
Actors: Camille Atebe, Connor Stanhope, Craig March, Genevieve Buechner, Hannah Cheramy, Jana Mitsoula, Jess McLeod, Jessica McLeod, Johannah Newmarch, John Emmet Tracy, Yvette Dudley-Neuman
Country: Canada
Company: Broken Mirror Films
Worldwide Gross: $34,719