The Hustler
In this gripping drama, Paul Newman stars as “Fast” Eddie Felson, a small-time pool hustler with big dreams of defeating the legendary player Minnesota Fats, portrayed by Jackie Gleason. As Eddie navigates the gritty world of high-stakes pool halls, he encounters a series of personal and professional challenges that test his ambition and integrity. The film, directed by Robert Rossen, is renowned for its intense performances and compelling narrative, earning multiple Academy Award nominations and winning two Oscars. Notably, the movie’s realistic portrayal of the pool scene and its complex character study have made it a classic in American cinema. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Robert Rossen
Actors: Clifford A. Pellow, George C. Scott, Jackie Gleason, Jake LaMotta, Michael Constantine, Murray Hamilton, Myron McCormick, Paul Newman, Piper Laurie, Stefan Gierasch, Vincent Gardenia
Country: United States of America
Company: Rossen Films