The Ice Harvest
Set against the backdrop of a frigid Christmas Eve in Wichita, Kansas, this dark comedy-thriller follows Charlie Arglist, a mob lawyer played by John Cusack, who teams up with his partner Vic Cavanaugh, portrayed by Billy Bob Thornton, to embezzle $2 million from their boss. As the night unfolds, their plan spirals into chaos, with unexpected twists and a series of dangerous encounters. Directed by Harold Ramis, the film features a strong supporting cast, including Connie Nielsen and Oliver Platt. While it didn’t receive major awards, it offers a blend of humor and suspense. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Holiday Comedy
Director: Harold Ramis
Actors: Billy Bob Thornton, Connie Nielsen, David Pasquesi, John Cusack, Lara Phillips, Mike Starr, Ned Bellamy, Oliver Platt, Randy Quaid, T.J. Jagodowski
Country: United States of America
Company: Bona Fide Productions, Focus Features
Worldwide Gross: $10,156,968