The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain
In this gripping drama, the story unfolds around the tragic real-life events involving Kenneth Chamberlain Sr., an elderly African American veteran with bipolar disorder. The film meticulously captures the tension and escalating misunderstandings that occur when police officers respond to a medical alert accidentally triggered by Chamberlain. Frankie Faison delivers a powerful performance as Chamberlain, bringing depth and humanity to the role. The film has been praised for its intense and thought-provoking portrayal of systemic issues within law enforcement. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Director: David Midell
Actors: Angela Peel, Anika Noni Rose, Antonio Polk, Ben Marten, Christopher R Ellis, Dexter Zollicoffer, Enrico Natale, Frankie Faison, Laroyce Hawkins, Tom McElroy
Country: United States of America
Company: Marginal Mediaworks, Redbird Entertainment, Redbird Entertainment,, Revelations Entertainment