The Last Days of Emma Blank
In this darkly comedic drama directed by Alex van Warmerdam, the story unfolds in a secluded house where the terminally ill Emma Blank resides with her peculiar household staff. As Emma’s demands grow increasingly bizarre, the true nature of the relationships between her and her servants is gradually revealed, leading to unexpected tensions and revelations. The film features a strong ensemble cast, including Marlies Heuer and Gene Bervoets, who bring depth to this intriguing narrative. Known for its unique blend of humor and existential themes, this film offers a compelling exploration of power dynamics and human behavior. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Alex van Warmerdam
Actors: Alex van Warmerdam, Annet Malherbe, Eva van de Wijdeven, Gene Bervoets, Gijs Naber, Marlies Heuer, Marwan Kenzari
Country: Netherlands
Company: Fortissimo Films, Graniet Film BV, La Parti Productions
Worldwide Gross: $355,354