The Last Horror Movie
In this chilling psychological thriller directed by Julian Richards, the narrative unfolds through the lens of a wedding video cameraman named Max, played by Kevin Howarth. Max hijacks a rental video, replacing it with his own footage, which documents his gruesome acts of murder. The film blurs the line between fiction and reality, challenging viewers to question their own complicity in the violence they consume. While it didn’t receive any major awards, it stands out for its unique approach to the horror genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Julian Richards
Actors: Antonia Beamish, Christabel Muir, Jamie Langthorne, Joe Hurley, John Berlyne, Jonathan Coote, Kevin Howarth, Mandy Gordon, Mark Stevenson, Rita Davies
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Prolific Films, Snakehair Productions