The Last Right
In this heartfelt drama, a New York-based lawyer, played by Michiel Huisman, finds himself on an unexpected journey across Ireland after a chance encounter on a flight home for his mother’s funeral. Alongside him is Samuel Bottomley, portraying a young autistic boy, and Jim Norton, who plays a deceased man’s brother. The film explores themes of family, responsibility, and redemption, all set against the backdrop of the Irish countryside. Directed by Aoife Crehan, this film marks her debut feature, showcasing her ability to blend humor and emotion seamlessly. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Director: Aoife Crehan
Actors: Aidan O'Hare, Brian Cox, Bryan Quinn, Colm Meaney, Eleanor O'Brien, Jim Norton, Michael McElhatton, Michiel Huisman, Niamh Algar, Samuel Bottomley, Sarah Lynch
Country: Ireland
Company: CrossDay Productions Ltd., Deadpan Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $167,798