The Last Son
Set in the rugged landscape of the American West, this film follows the story of an outlaw named Isaac LeMay, played by Sam Worthington, who is cursed by a prophecy that one of his children will kill him. As a result, he embarks on a relentless quest to hunt down his offspring. The movie features a strong supporting cast, including Heather Graham and Machine Gun Kelly, adding depth to this gritty narrative. Directed by Tim Sutton, the film explores themes of fate and redemption. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 9
Genre: Action, Adventure, Drama, Thriller, Western
Director: Tim Sutton
Actors: Alex Meraz, Danny Bohnen, Emily Marie Palmer, Heather Graham, James Landry HĂ©bert, Kim DeLonghi, Machine Gun Kelly, mgk, Sam Worthington, Scotty Bohnen, Thomas Jane
Country: United States of America
Company: 828 Media Capital, Blind Wink Productions, Deano Productions, DECAL, Decal Releasing, Renegade Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $955