The Liability
In this British crime thriller directed by Craig Viveiros, a young man named Adam, played by Jack O’Connell, finds himself entangled in the dangerous world of contract killing. After crashing his stepfather’s car, Adam is forced to work as a driver for a seasoned hitman, portrayed by Tim Roth. As the duo embarks on a road trip filled with unexpected twists, Adam learns about the dark realities of the criminal underworld. The film features a gripping narrative and strong performances, particularly from Roth. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Comedy, Crime, Thriller
Director: Craig Viveiros
Actors: Christopher Hatherall, Clive Shaw, Jack O'Connell, Kierston Wareing, Peter Mullan, Talulah Riley, Tim Roth, Tomi May
Country: United Kingdom
Company: Corona Content, Starchild Pictures