The Lightkeepers
Set in 1912, this romantic comedy-drama unfolds on the picturesque Cape Cod coast, where a reclusive lighthouse keeper, played by Richard Dreyfuss, finds his solitary life disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious stranger. The film explores themes of love, redemption, and the healing power of companionship as the two men form an unlikely friendship. Directed by Daniel Adams, the movie features a charming period setting and a strong supporting cast, including Blythe Danner. While it may not have garnered major awards, it offers a heartwarming narrative that can be enjoyed on Soap2day for free.
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Director: Daniel Adams
Actors: Blythe Danner, Bruce Dern, Jason Alan Smith, Julie Harris, Mamie Gummer, Richard Dreyfuss, Stephen Russell, Tom Wisdom
Country: United States of America
Company: Cape Filmworks, Dreyfuss / James Productions, Fish Weir Filmworks
Worldwide Gross: $13,567