The Limehouse Golem
Set in the grimy streets of Victorian London, this film follows Inspector John Kildare, played by Bill Nighy, as he investigates a series of brutal murders attributed to a mysterious figure known as the Golem. The narrative intricately weaves through the lives of various characters, including a music hall performer, portrayed by Olivia Cooke, whose fate becomes entwined with the investigation. Directed by Juan Carlos Medina, the movie is a chilling blend of horror and mystery, capturing the dark atmosphere of the era. While it didn’t receive major awards, its atmospheric storytelling and strong performances have been noted. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Juan Carlos Medina
Actors: Adam Brown, Bill Nighy, Daniel Mays, Douglas Booth, Eddie Marsan, Henry Goodman, MarĂa Valverde, Morgan Watkins, Olivia Cooke, Sam Reid
Country: United Kingdom
Company: HanWay Films, Lipsync, New Sparta Films
Worldwide Gross: $2,327,419