The Mercy
In this 2018 film directed by James Marsh, the story follows the true-life tale of Donald Crowhurst, an amateur sailor who embarks on a solo voyage around the world in a bid to win the Golden Globe Race. Starring Colin Firth and Rachel Weisz, the movie delves into the psychological and emotional challenges faced by Crowhurst as he navigates the treacherous waters and the pressures of his ambitious undertaking. The film explores themes of ambition, isolation, and the human spirit, offering a poignant look at Crowhurst’s journey. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 6
Genre: Adventure, Biography, Drama
Director: James Marsh
Actors: Andrew Buchan, Colin Firth, David Thewlis, Eleanor Stagg, Genevieve Gaunt, Jonathan Bailey, Ken Stott, Mark Gatiss, Rachel Weisz, Simon McBurney
Country: France, United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: BBC Film, BBC Films, Blueprint Pictures, StudioCanal
Worldwide Gross: $4,536,348