The Navigator
In this classic silent comedy, Buster Keaton stars as a wealthy and clueless young man who finds himself adrift on an abandoned ocean liner with his love interest, played by Kathryn McGuire. The film showcases Keaton’s signature physical comedy and inventive gags as the pair navigate a series of misadventures on the high seas. Co-directed by Keaton and Donald Crisp, the movie is celebrated for its elaborate stunts and clever use of the ship’s setting. Interestingly, the film was one of Keaton’s most commercially successful works. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Romance
Director: Buster Keaton, Donald Crisp
Actors: Buster Keaton, Clarence Burton, Frederick Vroom, H.N. Clugston, Kathryn McGuire, Noble Johnson
Country: United States of America
Company: Buster Keaton Productions