The NeverEnding Story
In this enchanting fantasy film directed by Wolfgang Petersen, a young boy named Bastian discovers a magical book that transports him into the mystical world of Fantasia. As he reads, he becomes part of the story, joining a young warrior named Atreyu on a quest to save Fantasia from a dark force known as The Nothing. The film features memorable performances by Barret Oliver as Bastian and Noah Hathaway as Atreyu. Notably, the movie is celebrated for its imaginative special effects and captivating storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 55
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Family, Fantasy
Director: Wolfgang Petersen
Actors: Alan Oppenheimer, Barret Oliver, Chris Eastman, Darryl Cooksey, Frank Lenart, Gerald McRaney, Moses Gunn, Noah Hathaway, Patricia Hayes, Robert Jadah, Sydney Bromley, Tami Stronach, Tilo Prückner
Country: Canada, Germany, Spain, United States of America, West Germany
Company: Bavaria Studios, Bluebush Productions, Constantin Film, Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR)
Worldwide Gross: $20,288,595