The Nightmare Before Christmas
In this enchanting stop-motion animated film, audiences are introduced to Jack Skellington, the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, who stumbles upon the vibrant and joyful Christmas Town. Captivated by the holiday spirit, Jack attempts to bring Christmas to his own world, leading to a series of whimsical and unexpected events. Directed by Henry Selick and produced by Tim Burton, the film features the voice talents of Chris Sarandon and Catherine O’Hara. Notably, the movie was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects, a rare honor for an animated film. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 358
Genre: Animation, Christmas, Family, Fantasy, Halloween, Holiday Animation, Holiday Family, Kids, Top 100 Popular Movies
Director: Henry Selick
Actors: Ann Fraser, Bobbi Page, Carmen Twillie, Catherine O'Hara, Chris Sarandon, Christina MacGregor, Daamen J. Krall, Danny Elfman, David J. Randolph, David McCharen, Debi Durst, Doris Hess, Edward Ivory, Elena Praskin, Gary Raff, Gary Schwartz, Glenn Shadix, Glenn Walters, Greg Proops, Jennifer Levey, Jesse McClurg, John Morris, Judi M. Durand, Ken Page, Kerry Katz, L. Peter Callender, Mia Brown, Paul Reubens, Randy Crenshaw, Robert Olague, Sherwood Ball, Susan McBride, Tim Burton, Trampas Warman, William Hickey
Country: United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, DiNovi Pictures, Skellington Productions Inc., Tim Burton Productions, Touchstone Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $107,798,585