The One and Only Ivan
In this heartwarming family film, a gorilla named Ivan, voiced by Sam Rockwell, lives in a suburban shopping mall with other animals and begins to question his life and captivity after meeting a baby elephant named Ruby. The movie, directed by Thea Sharrock, features a blend of live-action and CGI, bringing to life a story about friendship, freedom, and self-discovery. With a star-studded cast including Angelina Jolie, Danny DeVito, and Helen Mirren, the film offers a touching narrative suitable for all ages. It can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 16
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Featured movies, Kids, Oscar 2021
Director: Thea Sharrock
Actors: Angelina Jolie, Ariana Greenblatt, Brooklynn Prince, Bryan Cranston, Chaka Khan, Danny DeVito, Helen Mirren, Mike White, Phillipa Soo, Ramón Rodríguez, Ron Funches, Sam Rockwell
Country: United States of America
Company: Allison Shearmur Productions, Digital Makeup Group, Jolie Pas Productions