The Other Son
In this thought-provoking drama directed by Lorraine Lévy, two young men, Joseph and Yacine, discover they were accidentally switched at birth, leading to a profound exploration of identity and family ties. Set against the backdrop of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the film delves into the complexities of cultural and religious differences as both families grapple with the revelation. The cast includes notable performances by Emmanuelle Devos and Pascal Elbé, who bring depth to this emotionally charged narrative. While the film did not receive major awards, it was well-received for its sensitive handling of a delicate subject. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 2
Genre: Drama
Director: Lorraine Lévy
Actors: Areen Omari, Bruno Podalydès, Emmanuelle Devos, Ezra Dagan, Jules Sitruk, Khalifa Natour, Mahmoud Shalaby, Mehdi Dehbi, Pascal Elbé, Tamar Shem Or
Country: France
Company: Cité Films, France 3 Cinéma, Rapsodie Production
Worldwide Gross: $3,820,405