The Party
In this sharp, black-and-white comedy directed by Sally Potter, a celebratory gathering quickly unravels into chaos as secrets are revealed and tensions rise. The film features an ensemble cast including Kristin Scott Thomas, Patricia Clarkson, and Timothy Spall, who deliver compelling performances that drive the narrative’s dark humor and biting dialogue. The story unfolds in real-time, creating an intense atmosphere that keeps viewers engaged. While the film did not receive major awards, it was well-received for its witty script and strong performances. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 5
Director: Sally Potter
Actors: Bruno Ganz, Cherry Jones, Cillian Murphy, Emily Mortimer, Kristin Scott Thomas, Patricia Clarkson, Timothy Spall
Country: Denmark, United Kingdom
Company: Adventure Pictures, Great Point Media, Oxwich Media
Worldwide Gross: $5,597,950