The Patriarch
Set in the 1960s, this film explores the life of a Maori family in rural New Zealand, focusing on the generational conflict between a traditionalist father and his more modern-minded son. The narrative delves into themes of cultural identity, family loyalty, and the clash between old and new ways of life. Directed by Lee Tamahori, known for his work on “Once Were Warriors,” the film features a strong performance by Temuera Morrison. While it hasn’t garnered major awards, it offers a poignant look at the struggles of maintaining cultural heritage in a changing world. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Genre: Drama
Director: Lee Tamahori
Actors: Akuhata Keefe, Edmund Eramiha, Jim Moriarty, Maria Walker, Matariki Whatarau, Miriama McDowell, Nancy Brunning, Ngahuia Piripi, Regan Taylor, Temuera Morrison
Country: New Zealand
Company: The Patriarch Limited
Worldwide Gross: $914,715