The Perfect Match
In this romantic comedy directed by Bille Woodruff, the story follows Charlie, a charming playboy who is convinced that relationships are dead. However, his perspective begins to shift when he meets the captivating Eva, leading him to question his commitment-free lifestyle. The film features a star-studded cast, including Terrence J, Cassie Ventura, and Paula Patton, who bring the characters to life with their engaging performances. While the movie did not receive any major awards, it offers a light-hearted exploration of love and relationships. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Bille Woodruff
Actors: Brandy, Brandy Norwood, Bria L. Murphy, Cassie Ventura, Chantel Jeffries, Donald Faison, Draya Michele, Kali Hawk, Lauren London, Paula Patton, Terrence J, Terrence Jenkins
Country: United States of America
Company: Codeblack Films, Electric Republic, Flavor Unit Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $10,414,738