The Preacher’s Wife
In this heartwarming holiday film directed by Penny Marshall, a struggling pastor, played by Courtney B. Vance, finds his faith tested as he tries to save his church from financial ruin. His prayers are answered in the form of an angel, portrayed by Denzel Washington, who arrives to help him and his wife, played by Whitney Houston. The film beautifully explores themes of love, faith, and community, with Houston delivering memorable musical performances. While it did not win any major awards, the movie is notable for its charming performances and uplifting message. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 13
Genre: Christmas, Comedy, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Holiday Family, Romance
Director: Penny Marshall
Actors: Courtney B. Vance, Denzel Washington, Gregory Hines, Jenifer Lewis, Justin Pierre Edmund, Lionel Richie, Loretta Devine, Paul Bates, Victor Williams, Whitney Houston
Country: United States of America
Company: Mundy Lane Entertainment, Parkway Productions, The Samuel Goldwyn Company, Touchstone Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $48,102,795