The Quarry
In this 2020 film directed by Scott Teems, a mysterious drifter arrives in a small Texas town, assuming the identity of a preacher. As he attempts to start anew, his past begins to catch up with him, leading to a tense confrontation with the local authorities and townspeople. The movie stars Shea Whigham and Michael Shannon, who deliver compelling performances that drive the narrative forward. While the film has not received any major awards, it offers a gripping exploration of themes such as redemption and identity. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Scott Teems
Actors: Abel Becerra, Bobby Soto, Bruno Bichir, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Ching Li, Jimmy Gonzales, Julia Vera, Ku Feng, Michael Shannon, Rose Bianco, Shea Whigham
Country: United States of America
Company: Grindstone Entertainment Group, Metalwork Pictures, Prowess Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $3,661