The Real Thing
In this Japanese drama, a disenchanted toy salesman named Tsuji finds his monotonous life disrupted when he saves a mysterious woman, Ukiyo, from a stalled car on a railway track. As Tsuji becomes entangled in Ukiyo’s chaotic world, he is drawn into a series of unpredictable events that challenge his perception of reality and relationships. Directed by Kōji Fukada, the film explores themes of love, obsession, and the search for authenticity in modern life. Notably, the film is based on a manga series by Mochiru Hoshisato. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 1
Director: Kōji Fukada
Actors: Akari Fukunaga, Kaho Tsuchimura, Kei Ishibashi, Morisaki Win, Shôhei Uno, Shugo Oshinari, Win Morisaki, Yukiya Kitamura
Country: Japan
Company: Nagoya Broadcasting Network (Nagoya TV)
Worldwide Gross: $164,541