The Recall
In this sci-fi thriller directed by Mauro Borrelli, a group of friends embarks on a weekend getaway to a remote cabin, only to find themselves caught in the midst of an alien invasion. The film stars Wesley Snipes and RJ Mitte, who deliver engaging performances as they navigate the unexpected extraterrestrial threat. As the tension escalates, the group must rely on their wits and instincts to survive. This movie can be viewed on Soap2day for free.
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Genre: Action, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Science-Fiction
Director: Mauro Borrelli
Actors: Graham Shiels, Hannah Rose May, Jedidiah Goodacre, Laura Bilgeri, Niko Pepaj, RJ Mitte, Scott Nettleton, Sean Millington, Tracey Hway, Wesley Snipes
Country: Canada, United States of America
Company: Bridgegate Pictures, Minds Eye Entertainment
Worldwide Gross: $112,357