The Santa Squad
Allie, portrayed by Rebecca Dalton, is an unemployed art teacher who takes on a position with the Santa Squad. Her task is to assist a wealthy widower named Gordon, played by Aaron Ashmore, and his two charming daughters in rekindling their Christmas spirit. Through her efforts in decorating, baking cookies, and shopping, Allie brings joy to the family, and in return, she receives an unforeseen gift: the gift of love.
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Genre: Drama, Family, Romance, TV Movie
Director: John Bradshaw
Actors: Aaron Ashmore, Chris Sandiford, Hattie Kragten, James Kall, Jayne Eastwood, Michael Therriault, Molly Lewis, Paniz Zade, Rebecca Dalton
Country: Canada
Company: CME Autum Productions, Reel One Entertainment, Reel One Pictures