The Science of Sleep
In this whimsical film directed by Michel Gondry, the story follows Stéphane Miroux, a creative and imaginative young man who struggles to distinguish between his dreams and reality. As he navigates his mundane job and budding romance with his neighbor Stéphanie, his vivid dream world begins to intertwine with his waking life, leading to a series of surreal and humorous events. The film stars Gael García Bernal and Charlotte Gainsbourg, whose performances bring depth to this exploration of love and the subconscious. While it did not receive major awards, the film is noted for its inventive visual style and unique storytelling. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Michel Gondry
Actors: Alain Chabat, Alain de Moyencourt, Aurélia Petit, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Emma de Caunes, Gael García Bernal, Miou-Miou, Pierre Vaneck, Sacha Bourdo, Stéphane Metzger
Company: France 3 Cinéma, Gaumont, Partizan Films
Worldwide Gross: $15,116,179