The Secret of NIMH
In this enchanting animated film, a courageous field mouse named Mrs. Brisby embarks on a perilous journey to save her family from impending danger. As she seeks help from a mysterious group of highly intelligent rats, she uncovers a secret that ties her late husband to a government experiment. The film, directed by Don Bluth, is celebrated for its stunning animation and compelling storytelling. Although it did not win any major awards, it remains a beloved classic for its rich characters and imaginative world. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Genre: Adventure, Animation, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Director: Don Bluth
Actors: Arthur Malet, Derek Jacobi, Dom DeLuise, Elizabeth Hartman, Hermione Baddeley, Ian Fried, Ina Fried, Jodi Hicks, John Carradine, Shannen Doherty, Wil Wheaton
Country: United States of America
Company: Aurora, Don Bluth Productions, Mrs. Brisby Ltd.
Worldwide Gross: $14,665,733