The Secrets
In this thought-provoking drama directed by Avi Nesher, the story unfolds in a religious seminary for women in Israel, where two young women, Naomi and Michelle, form an unlikely bond. As they navigate the strict confines of their environment, they encounter a mysterious woman with a troubled past, leading them to question their beliefs and the boundaries of faith and friendship. The film stars Fanny Ardant, Ania Bukstein, and Michal Shtamler, delivering compelling performances that explore themes of spirituality and self-discovery. This intriguing narrative can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Avi Nesher
Actors: Adir Miller, Ania Bukstein, Dana Ivgy, Fanny Ardant, Guri Alfi, Michal Shtamler, Rivka Michaeli, Seffy Rivlin, Talli Oren, Tikva Dayan
Company: Artomas Communications, Metro Communications, Tu Vas Voir Productions
Worldwide Gross: $264,006