The Sect
This visually striking horror film follows the story of a kind and attractive schoolteacher whose life turns into a nightmare when she is selected to give birth to the devil’s child. Her terrifying journey starts when a mysterious, ageless wanderer inserts a supposedly extinct insect into her nostril, which then makes its way to her brain. She quickly starts experiencing horrifying nightmares and more. As she uncovers the dreadful reality of her connection to the Dark Master, her situation deteriorates further. Despite everything, the child is born, leaving the unfortunate woman with a dreadful and unexpectedly genre-defying decision to make.
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Director: Michele Soavi
Actors: Angelika Maria Boeck, Carla Cassola, Donald O'Brien, Giovanni Lombardo Radice, Herbert Lom, Kelly Curtis, Mariangela Giordano, Michel Adatte, Michele Soavi, Niels Gullov, Tomas Arana
Country: Italy
Company: ADC Films