The Shameless
In this South Korean crime drama, a detective becomes entangled in a complex web of emotions and deceit as he goes undercover to track down a notorious gangster. The film stars Jeon Do-yeon and Kim Nam-gil, whose performances bring depth to the gritty narrative. Directed by Oh Seung-uk, the movie explores themes of morality and redemption against a backdrop of crime and betrayal. While it did not receive major awards, it was noted for its atmospheric storytelling and strong character development. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
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Director: Oh Seung-uk
Actors: Cho Won-hee, Choi Young-do, Ha Ji-eun, Jeon Do-yeon, Kang Tae-young, Kim Min-jae, Kim Nam-gil, Kwak Do-won, Lee Dong-hee, Lee Dong-hui, Park Ji-hwan, Park Sung-woong, Yoon Seung-won
Country: South Korea
Company: CJ Entertainment, Sanai Pictures
Worldwide Gross: $2,804,063