The Shining
A psychological horror film directed by Stanley Kubrick, this 1980 classic follows the story of Jack Torrance, played by Jack Nicholson, who takes a job as the winter caretaker of the isolated Overlook Hotel. Accompanied by his wife Wendy, portrayed by Shelley Duvall, and their young son Danny, Jack’s mental state begins to unravel as supernatural forces within the hotel exert their influence. The film is renowned for its haunting atmosphere and iconic performances, particularly Nicholson’s portrayal of Jack. Although it did not receive major awards upon release, it has since become a cult classic and a staple of the horror genre. For those interested, it can be viewed for free on Soap2day.
Views: 40
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller, Top 100 Popular Movies, Top250Movies
Director: Stanley Kubrick
Actors: Aileen Lewis, Alison Coleridge, Anne Jackson, Barry Dennen, Barry Nelson, Billie Gibson, Burnell Tucker, Chris Parsons, Danny Lloyd, David Baxt, Derek Lyons, Jack Nicholson, Jana Shelden, Joe Turkel, Kate Phelps, Lia Beldam, Lisa Burns, Louise Burns, Manning Redwood, Norman Gay, Paul Desbois, Philip Stone, Robin Pappas, Scatman Crothers, Shelley Duvall, Tony Burton, Vivian Kubrick
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
Company: Bluebush Productions, Hawk Films, Peregrine, Warner Bros.
Worldwide Gross: $47,959,450